Creative Independent Alliance at Home health services provides free in home eligible clients in Philadelphia, Montgomery, Delaware, Chester and Bucks countries in Pennsylvania.
We provide Personal Assistance Services (PAS) if you are enrolled in one of the following Medicare Waivers:
- Aging Waiver
- Attendant Care/Act 150 Waiver
- Independence Waiver
- OBRa Waiver
Getting started is easy as 1.2.3.
- You will be able to get in contact with someone 24/7 at 267-275-2393
- One of our Client Manager will get in contact to schedule a home visit with you
- Back up Caregiver are available if you wish; in the event your primary Caregiver is unable to provide services
- We have in house staff fluent in Spanish: Regardless of your language or communicate needs we will make every accommodation to communicate with you either through a translator or a family member.
- 24/7 on call available for after hour request
Call today 215-339-0073 to get started
Here are links that will be able to answer any questions you may have
Philadelphia Corporation of Aging